Publish content on your site


Once your page is written, you'll want to publish it on your website! Whether it's a WordPress, Shopify, Wix, or custom-coded site, you can easily publish your content without any issues.


  1. Go to the Publication tab.
  2. In the top right, you can copy the text in two ways: RAW or HTML. We recommend choosing the RAW option by default as it will work in most cases.
  3. Based on the type of content you've written, go to the corresponding page on the backend of your website: new blog post, collection page, product page, static page, etc. Once you're in the text editor of your site, paste the text. The formatting and styling will be preserved.
  4. Only two elements will not be pasted: the Meta Title and the Meta Description. You will need to copy/paste them separately from Dokey. On most CMS platforms, there is a specific field to input these elements.
  5. Publish on your website!